Winded is a play by post non-cannon warrior cat roleplay. Feel free to check out the rules before joining and then make yourself at home! Here we use a site-wide plot but feel free to have your own mini-plots if you wish. We are brand new and would greatly appreciate affiliates and members so if you know someone who may enjoy Winded, send them our way! Have fun, and enjoy!
Theme by elli mccale
08.12.18 We've started our first advertising contest today, so let the posting commence! There will be winners, but don't get discouraged! Everyone wins a little something!
08.02.18 If you haven't noticed, we now have a site shop! Shop prices and ways to earn stones is still being tweaked, however your input would be greatly appreciated! You can find the sticky post with the poll included under the news and updates section!
07.31.18 Winded has already grown so much (to me anyways!) and I am so proud of everyone here! If we can keep this site wide member growth up, staff positions SHOULD be open soon, I'll probably end up adding an actual board for lengthy news updates so keep an eye out for possible staff positions!
07.31.18 Greetings! Welcome to the grand opening of Winded! We're so glad you're here! If there's anything we've missed please let a staff member know!